Jillian Barberie is one busy woman. Whether it's hosting her daily radio show in Los Angeles, appearing on Access Hollywood or HSN, or greeting top celebrities on the red carpets of gala events, this Canadian gal is always on the go. As the single mother of two young children, the 47-year-old has learned to juggle her many work roles with the added demands of raising a couple of great kids. Ageless Living caught up with Jillian for an in-depth chat about what she's learned in her 20+ years of working in the spotlight…
A note: This article was inspired by the mint tea I fell in love with in Amsterdam. Whereas mint tea in North America is likely made from dried mint in a teabag, mint tea in the Netherlands is made from big, beautiful spears of fresh, bright-green mint – and it is delicious. I will definitely be trying this with mint from my garden this year.
Mint: Health Benefits and How To
(HealthCastle.com) Mint is delightful fresh green herb with many variations, all of which are very easy to grow at home. In fact, mint is so incredibly prolific that if you’re not careful, it can take over your entire garden. Mint can also be bought fresh in the produce section of the grocery store. You may associate mint flavor primarily with chewing gum or mint candies, but these sugary (or artificially sweetened) products don’t capture the appeal (or health benefits) of fresh mint, which can be used in everything from drinks to desserts to savory dishes to tea…
(HealthCastle.com) You probably know that vegetarians have to seek out alternatives to meat sources of protein and iron, and that vegans need to find non-dairy calcium options. But you may not have thought about the need for vegetarians to manage their Vitamin B12 intake. B12 is an important vitamin that’s involved in maintaining healthy nerve cells, creating energy, and producing DNA. Because Vitamin B12 is found only in animal foods and fortified foods, vegetarians – and especially vegans – are at risk for deficiency of this critical B vitamin. Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to fatigue, constipation, weight loss, and confusion, among other symptoms…
(HealthCastle.com) Traveling as a vegetarian can present some challenges. In Mexico, much of the traditional cuisine is meat-heavy. It’s generally easy to find vegetarian food in upscale restaurants that cater to a tourist clientele, but where’s the fun in eating all your meals in tourist restaurants? Fortunately, some Mexican classics work very well for vegetarian travelers, or can be made vegetarian with a few simple tweaks. Here’s what to look for on your next Mexican vacation…
(HealthCastle.com) There’s big news on the nutrition front for those who suffer from asthma. Two recent Australian studies have shown that those who eat a diet high in processed foods and saturated fats are more likely to suffer from asthma symptoms – and get less relief from ventolin inhalers. Here’s what the researchers found, and what it means for your health…
For the latest issue of Ageless Living, I had the honour to interview Michael Landsberg, host of TSN’s Off the Record and a passionate advocate in the fight to end the stigma around mental health issues, especially depression. You can read the full interview at AgelessLivingMagazine.ca.
(HealthCastle.com) February is Potato Lover’s Month. What better time to focus on this sometimes under-appreciated vegetable? (Yes, vegetable.) Potatoes are surprisingly nutritious – they are a good source of both Vitamin C and potassium – and can be a very healthy addition to any meal. Did you know that there are officially seven types of potatoes? Let’s explore which types of potato work best for different dishes…
(HealthCastle.com) Back in the good old days of air travel, when most flights of more than a couple of hours included a meal, it was easy for vegetarians to find food in-flight. All you had to do was request a vegetarian meal when you booked your ticket, and not only were you assured a vegetarian meal on the plane – you actually got your meal delivered to your seat before they started wheeling the cart down the aisle to dish out the standard-issue fare…